We all have stories …

Stories we create about ourselves. We spend our time collecting specific experiences to reinforce these stories. We believe that, the more we can back up these stories, the more true they become. 

These stories are our limiting beliefs. 

You have two choices:
▪️You can continue telling yourself the same story on repeat; or
▪️You can rewrite the story.

When I put “create and launch a website” at the top of my goals list in April, I was extremely overwhelmed. It felt like such a daunting task but I knew it was important and would open the door to other opportunities.  

In the past, I would have run from the discomfort this task created inside of me. I would have found a way around it; I would have outsourced this task to an expert to avoid the pain of doing it myself. Let’s face it, no one likes doing things they’re not good at, right? 

Since I have been doing personal development work for a while now, I have become intimately familiar with the stories I tell myself on repeat. 

Here are a few stories I have always told myself: 
▫️I am a visionary, not a doer
▫️I see the big picture and leave details to others 
▫️I can speak well but writing is not my strong suit 
▫️I am so bad at learning new technology  

Here's the thing about the stories we tell ourselves – we don’t intentionally use them to hold us back. We use these stories as a defence mechanism, a way to protect ourselves from what our brain views as threats. Those threats could look like mediocrity, humiliation or even failure.

It took everything in me not to outsource creating and launching a website to an expert – and maybe next time I will. But I used this task as a way to challenge myself to start re-writing my story. I knew I could no longer allow these limiting beliefs to hold me back.  

Was it easy? No! At times did I want to give up? 100%. Was my drive to overcome these limiting beliefs more powerful than my limiting beliefs? Yes!

The day I launched my website, I felt a sense of pride that I never would have felt if someone else had done it for me.  

Can you relate? We all have stories. Oftentimes they hang out in our subconscious until we do the work to bring them into our conscious minds. The day we become aware and shine a light on our limiting beliefs is the day they start to lose the power they hold over us. From that day forward, we have a choice to continue telling ourselves the same story on repeat, or to rewrite the story.

What story do you have on repeat? What is one step you can take towards rewriting that story?

Check out beewellness.ca to see what I’ve been up to.

chat soon!



mindfulness is The key to success


Redefining success