service one

You’ve been a high performer your whole life. You’re great at what you do, and you’ve been rewarded, but it feels like something is missing. On paper, you’re considered successful but inside you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or unfulfilled. 

You know there is something bigger for you, but you don’t know what it is or how to access it. Maybe you’re not used to asking for help, but you know you’re ready for some support. 

Imagine having a partner to guide you in self-discovery. Someone who really gets it. A partner who believes in your dreams, understands your challenges, and guides you toward achieving your goals. 

1:1 Coaching

  • Through my one-on-one coaching, you will:

    • Gain clarity around where you are now, where you are going, and the obstacles standing in your way.

    • Have a safe space to share and be vulnerable.

    • Develop a roadmap toward your version of success that feels aligned and fulfilling.

    Deep dive into the areas in which you are holding yourself back (e.g., imposter syndrome, self-doubt, fear of judgment) and take steps to overcome these roadblocks.

    • Reach your goals much faster than if you were to pursue them alone.

    My role is to meet each client where they are. I encourage my clients to get acquainted with themselves through powerful questioning. This means digging deep, staying curious and testing the edges of your comfort zone. I bring in specific coaching tools and techniques underpinned by positive, cognitive, and behavioural psychology to assist during the coaching process.

    Start your journey towards redefining success by booking a free discovery call.

service two

employee coaching

Organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of adopting a human-centric approach when considering their workforce needs. I can attest to this from my past decade in the corporate world.

Employers invest in coaching for their employees because they recognize the mutual benefits. Coaching helps employees enhance their skills, gain clarity on goals, overcome obstacles, and maximize their potential. This leads to improved performance, increased productivity, and greater job satisfaction. 

Coaching can also be leveraged to foster leadership development, boost employee engagement, and contribute to a positive organizational culture. Ultimately, investments in coaching result in higher employee retention, talent development, and overall organizational success.

Ready to chat more about what this would look like for your organization? Would you like me to develop a tailored plan?

service three

corporate sessions

Corporate workshops help organizations invest in the growth and development of their teams. They equip employees with new knowledge and skills, foster a collaborative and cohesive work culture, enhance employee engagement, and ultimately contribute to organizational success.

My workshops are customizable to reflect organizational needs and can be delivered virtually or in-person. Typical workshops are managed over 60-90 minutes and integrate orientation, thematic education, individual exercises, and shared reflection.

  • Topics include:

    • Reinvigorating Work-Life Balance

    • Aligned Goal Setting

    • Mindful Leadership

    • Discovering Your Value in the Workplace

    If your company is planning for upcoming corporate events, lunch and learns, annual retreats or team-building activities, consider integrating a customized growth and development workshop into your programming.

Interested in booking me to speak at your next event, conference, or retreat?

Click below and let’s chat!

  • Success Stories

    Corporate Testimonial

    Orangutech had the pleasure of being joined by Sylvana Gatto for a mindfulness session. Sylvana helped us develop self-awareness as a starting point before leading us through an "Audit Your Life" exercise. The results: enhanced clarity around each of our personal values, and tangible action steps developed toward new goals.

    Our O-Folk left the session feeling energized, motivated, and equipped to make positive changes in their lives. We are really grateful to Sylvana for the incredibly powerful session.

    Sylvana is a certified success coach. Reach out to her to book a session for your team or yourself. She is excellent!

    Corey B, Director of People & Culture, Orangutech

  • Success Stories

    One-on-One Coaching

    The last 4 months has been the most significant change I have experienced in my life. What Sylvana is able to do is nothing short of magical. She has equipped me with techniques to shift my own mindset, and in turn allowed me to view clearly the untapped potential I have within me. She taught me how to view my fears and anxieties as a narrative that I’ve given myself, and taught me how to have a more positive self narrative. From that point naturally, courage and confidence grew. Her work is invaluable, she has a strong ability to ask the right questions, create a safe space for conversations, and ability to ground you in moments of turmoil makes her work so special. Truly a life changing experience.

  • Success Stories

    Corporate Testimonial

    We had Sylvana run a corporate workshop at Rewind because the wellness of our employees is incredibly important to us and we wanted to equip them with some exercises and best practices to improve their work/life balance. We appreciated Sylvana's approach that included helpful information/tips and the opportunity to reflect. One of the most valuable pieces of the session was the 'ideal workday' exercise and the post-workshop prompts. It was a great opportunity to dedicate time to ourselves and learn how to carry that forth in our day to day.

    Lauren S, Senior People Partner, Rewind

  • Success Stories

    One-on-One Coaching

    From the moment I met Sylvana, I knew I wanted to work with her. I resonated deeply with her story and felt seen before we even had the chance to hop on our first call together!

    I think the biggest thing I learned through coaching is the importance of alignment. I spent so many years of my life OUT of alignment, going through the motions, and barrelling down a career path that wasn’t meant for me. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve learned how to trust myself and my intuition, and have (with the help of coaching) started to build a life and a career/business that feels right.

    As a coach, she held space for me, asked the right questions that always got me thinking and digging deep, and overall, just made me feel so comfortable and safe. If you’re looking for a coach to help support you on your journey, I’d highly recommend working with Sylvana!

    Tania B.

  • Success stories

    Corporate Testimonial

    Sylvana's Reinvigorate Your Work-Life Balance workshop not only provided our staff with digestible information on the importance of taking stock of our well-being, but also gave suggestions on how to easily implement more mindfulness into the day. As we are a childcare facility, many of our staff are engaging with the children all day long. The practical relaxation techniques shared by Sylvana in an engaging and clear manner, were so appreciated by all who attended the workshop. 

    Courtney H, Mothercraft Ottawa

  • Success Stories

    Corporate Testimonial

    Sylvana took the time to understand the dynamic of my team and create a custom workshop built around a current struggle. Her friendly and calm approach to the workshop helped us all be open and honest to be able to get the most out of the time with her. I enjoyed the meditation at the beginning and that she gave me tools as a manager to take away and implement in weekly 1:1s. The team has since learned to prioritize better and have well rounded accomplished days.

    Kaitlyn, Manager of Talent Acquisition

  • Success stories

    One-on-One Coaching

    When I began working with Sylvana I was relatively new in my role and often feeling unsure of my abilities. My confidence was lacking and it was impacting my ability to effectively deliver at work, and I was frustrated. With Sylvana's support I was able to challenge the doubts I had about myself and show up as who I want to be. She taught me methods that helped increase my overall confidence at work and I enjoy my job so much more as a result. Sylvana is incredibly passionate about helping her clients succeed, and is so good at what she does. I have been so inspired by her as a person, not only a coach, and can not recommend working with her enough!