You’ve probably landed here because you’ve reached a point on your journey where you have to make a decision.
Do you continue down the path you’re on, or do you risk living a bolder, more authentic life?
You’re in the right spot, I’m so happy you’re here. I guide high-performing professionals and entrepreneurs on a journey inward. We work together to redefine success, align your goals with your values, and overcome the mindset blocks holding you back from your true potential.
Maybe you’ve done all the “right” things to get to this point. On paper you’re successful, but your sense of accomplishment is wearing off. The easier decision would be to stick with the status quo, but you’ve been feeling this nudge for a while, and you can’t ignore it. You know there is something more authentic for you, but it exists on the other side of your comfort zone.
Is this you?
Prior to becoming a success coach, I spent over a decade building a successful career in the technology space. I held an executive role and was responsible for a high-performing team. Despite checking the conventional boxes, I came to realize the path I was on didn’t align with my desired version of success. I was craving something different, so I stepped away from my role at the top of my career in pursuit of fulfillment.
And that journey has led me to coach other incredibly inspiring people who are feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or out of synch in their careers, and who are ready to step into alignment.
Curious about how you can work with me?
I work with individuals one-on-one and facilitate workshops in corporate settings.
work with me
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discovery call
Take the first step towards redefining success and achieving aligned goals by booking a free discovery call. Let’s chat about what it would look like to partner together during the next stretch of your journey. It’s time to listen to the nudge; there is so much waiting for you on the other side of your comfort zone.